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Dyne Test Pens and Ink

The ONLY manufacturer that’s made in the USA with over 40 years of experience in the ink, paints and coatings industries.

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High Quality Dyne Pens

About Our Company

We make every order the same day we receive it to ensure it is fresh and new instead of where our competitors keep them in stock for weeks of months at a time.

The difference in us versus most of our other competitors, it that we actually are an ink manufacturer and we make and test our products daily. Unlike other companies that sell these products who are manufacturers rep and refill products made by other chemical companies. We provide a COA with all our DTP Dyne Test Pens and Inks, and all our inks and pens are made to order the day they are shipped out to allow freshness of the inks.

Watch How Our Dyne Inks & Pens Work

World Wide Shipping

World Wide Shipping

Made In The USA

Made In The USA

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